In your next job interview, you'll be expected to ask questions you've prepared in advance but not yet discussed. While your questions must reflect your personal issues, here are some ideas from the National Association of Colleges & Employers you may wish to modify and ask judiciously.  What do you REALLY want to know?

Note that NONE OF THESE questions address salary/benefits. Let the employer bring up those topics.

Ask your prospective supervisor:

  • What would be my primary responsibilities?
  • What would I be expected to accomplish in the first 6 months on the job?
    In the first year?
  • How much contact does the department/staff have with management?
  • What distinguishes an employee who is given tenure/promoted?

Ask a prospective co-worker:

  • What do you like best/least about working for this department/company?
  • Can you describe a typical workday in the department?
  • What are the possibilities for professional growth and promotion?
  • How free are you to express your ideas and concerns?
  • How much interaction do you have with supervisors, colleagues, and customers?
  • Do you have the opportunity to work independently?
  • How long have you been with the company? Does your future here seem secure?

Ask the HR manager:

  • What mechanisms encourage employees to express their ideas and concerns?
  • What do employees seem to like best and least about this company?
  • What is the rate of employee turnover? 
  • Why is this position open?
  • How large is the department where the opening exists?
  • How much travel does the job require?
  • What are the chances of being relocated after starting the job?
  • What orientation training do new employees receive?
  • How often and by whom are performance reviews given?
  • Who determines raises and promotions, and how?
  • What are the long-range possibilities for employees in similar positions who consistently perform above expectations?

About Jobs in Education

  • What is the teacher/student ratio in your district?
  • How many classes a day will I be expected to teach?
  • What types of school activities promote parent-teacher-student interaction?
  • Tell me about the students who attend this school.
  • What textbooks does the district use in this subject area?
  • What discipline procedures does the district use?
  • How does your school use teacher aides or parent volunteers?
  • What is the district statement of educational mission or philosophy?
  • How are teachers assigned to extracurricular activities? Is compensation provided?
  • What technology resources will be available to me in the classroom?

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