a male student
Male Students

Adopted from 1in6.org

At least 1 in 6 men have been sexually abused or assaulted, whether in childhood or as an adult. Researchers suggest that this estimate is low due to the stigma and myths related to being a male survivor. Men have similar reactions to sexual assault that people of other gender identities do. Because social norms affect men’s responses to sexual trauma, male survivors often mask their experiences with other presenting issues: emotional dysregulation, substance abuse, compulsive behaviors, suicide, rage, and violence.

Many barriers keep men from seeking help. Some of the misconceptions about male survivors:

  • Men can’t get raped
  • Men are strong and supposed to fight off their perpetrator
  • Only gay men rape
  • Men shouldn’t be ashamed about “getting lucky”
  • If he was abused as a child, he will go on to abuse others
  • If he was physically aroused, he must have liked it

The MSUB Phoenix Center recognizes the different challenges that male survivors may experience. We strive to offer confidential, free, inclusive care, advocacy and support during your time of healing.

Additional resources: