1. Course Acceptance/Rejection

The Gen Ed Committee recommends to the Academic Senate that the Gen Ed Committee, in addition to its current charges, become the adjudicator of acceptance or rejection of proposals for General Education and report directly to the Academic Senate. The Undergraduate Curriculum Committee evaluates course proposals for academic merit, but judgement for eligibility and placement into the General Education Program is the responsibility of the General Education Committee, which reports directly to the Academic Senate.

Approved by the Committee 2/11/03

Approved by the Academic Senate 2/13/04

2. Conflict of Interest for Committee Members

2.a. Committee members are prohibited from voting on courses from the department in which they reside

2.b. Committee members are prohibited from voting on issues where they perceive a substantial conflict of interest.

Approved by the Committee 3/23/04

3. Action on Low Quality Courses

The learning outcomes (requested by NWCCU) are stated in the Academic Foundations Proposal (specifically, page 12). Those outcomes will be assessed using the matrix through a faculty self-assessment and student evaluations for use in the quality control of General Education courses. Courses that fail to meet their stated objectives will be given a warning, and then put on probation for one to two years before action is taken (depending on the catalog schedule). It is the department’s responsibility to remeliorate the course, and that department has the right to defend the course to the General Education Committee.

Approved by the Committee 8/30/04

4. Class Size

The Committee recommends that classes be kept at the lowest possible practical maximum size.

Approved by the Committee 12/7/04

Double Counting

Reaffirm that all courses in Gen Ed are designed for Gen Ed and that they cannot be counted in both Gen Ed and the student’s major.

Approved by the Committee 11/25/03

Repealed by the Committee 11/9/04

5. Non-Compliance with Outcomes Assessment Data Collection

Notification of faculty members be made, who have not completed their outcomes assessments, to the appropriate department chair and if compliance is not forthcoming, it may imperil the course as an Gen Ed offering

Approved by the Committee 10/14/08

6. The 70% Rule

If 70% of the students in a class are achieving an objective, the outcome is considered met.

Approved by the Committee 11/25/08

7. Course Review

Courses will be reviewed by department/rubric, on a two-year basis to align with the catalog schedule. All Gen Ed courses would be reviewed every other year.

Department Chairs will be asked to review their Gen Ed offerings in the Fall of even years.

Approved by the Committee 9/2/10

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