MSUB College of Education Assistant Professor of Literacy Education Kari Dahle-Huff, PhD, and reading master’s students have developed plans for parents as part of the Master of Education Reading Option degree curriculum.

Dahle-Huff and the students, who are all currently employed as educators in Montana, focused on two distinct areas: kindergarten readiness and summer reading. Drawing from the science of reading and their expertise, each educator collaborated with Dahle-Huff to develop suggestions and tips for parents looking to prepare their children to begin school or to help them improve and build upon their child’s reading skills.

Stay Cool with a Hot Summer Read: The Ultimate Book Club

Preparing Your Soon-To-Be-Kindergartner to Become a Lifelong Reader

Summer Reading With the Power Choice

Kindergarten Readiness – Creating a Successful Student


Reading Rocks - Education Foundation Billings Public Schools 


MSUB Reading Clinic