Everfi is one of the primary prevention education tools utilized to reach all incoming and transfer students. The Montana Board of Regents requires that all new and transfer students complete the Everfi programming. Everfi programming is used as a platform for generating current data as well as prevention education regarding alcohol use, interpersonal violence, and finances. Students MUST complete all three courses, otherwise a HOLD is placed on their student account.
Alcohol EDU: FREE one-hour, interactive, online program designed to inform students about how alcohol affects the mind, body, perceptions, and behaviors. It provides students with accurate, non-judgmental information and personalized feedback.
Sexual Assault Prevention for Undergraduates OR the adult learner: FREE one-hour, interactive, online program created to address healthy relationships, sexual assault, relationship violence, stalking and bystander intervention training. It is designed to engage and empower students to create a safe and healthy learning and living environment. Upon login, if you are 22 or under, you will complete the Undergraduate module; students age 23 or older will complete the Adult Learner module.
If you are a survivor of any interpersonal violence and feel triggered from taking this section, please contact the Director of Student Health Services to discuss exemption options. SHS Director: Jerry Girard (406) 657-2564
Transit: FREE one-hour, interactive, online program created to address financial literacy and wellness through covering credit scores, student loans, savings, investments, etc. It is designed to engage and empower students with skills to successfully manage their finances while in school and beyond.