See also: Prior Learning Assessment

Advanced Placement Examinations with credit equivalents at Montana State University Billings


Test Title

Minimum Score for Awarding Credit

Number of Semester Hours


Art/History of Art 3 6 ARTH 160
Art/Studio 3 6 ARTZ 101
Biology 3 8 BIOB 101/102
Calc AB 3 4 M 171
Calc BC 3 8 M 171
M 172
Chemistry 3 8 CHMY 141/142
CHMY 143/144
Computer Science A 3 4 CSCI 111A
Computer Science AB 3 8 CSCI 111A
Econ/Macro 3 3 ECNS 202
Econ/Micro 3 3 ECNS 201
Engl/Lang & Comp 3 6 WRIT 101
Engl/Lit & Comp 3 6 LIT 110
Environmental Science 3 4 ENST 293
French Lang 3 8 FRCH 101/102
French Lit 3 12 LANG 293
Germ Lang 3 8 GRMN 101/102
Govt & Politics/Comp 3 3 PSCI 220
Govt & Politics/US 3 3 PSCI 210
History/European 3 6 HSTR 159/160
History/US 3 6 HSTA 101/102
History/Modern World 3 3 HSTR 160
Human Geography 3 3 GPHY 121
Latin Lit 3 8 LANG 293
Latin/Vergil 3 8 LANG 293
Music Theory 3 6 MUSI 101
Physics 1 3 4 PHSX 205/206
Physics 2 3 4 PHSX 207/208
Physics C/Mech 3 4 PHSX 220/221
Physics C/Elec 3 4 PHSX 232/233
Psychology 3 3 PSYX 100
Span Lang 3 8 SPNS 101/102
Span Lit 3 12 SPNS 293
Statistics 3 4 STAT 216