Department of Educational Theory and Practice

Formatting a Lesson Plan


Writing a lesson plan is developmental process. Using this format, the candidate will practice planning and organizing lessons so that this procedure becomes innate.


Standard Information: Adapted to fit teaching needs, including such information as grade level, name of classroom teacher and place.


Descriptive Title: This is merely the title of the lesson or activity


Lesson Description: Includes a short description of what the students will be doing. ( 2-3 sentences)


Objectives: May be general and/or specific performance objectives and should be written using active verbs (TSW explore, define, create, etc.)


Concept(s) and/or Key Words and Definition(s):    This is the main definition of the concept that you wish the students to understand.  You must define the concept so that another teacher can pick up the lesson plan and read this component to understand what exactly should be taught.


Students’ Background Knowledge: Is there prior knowledge that students require in order to complete this lesson?


Materials and Teaching Aids: List all materials, teaching aids, technology, etc. Include a bibliography in a consistent reference style. (include CDs or tapes)


Classroom Management Suggestions: Include any suggestions for desk arrangement, group sizes, materials distribution and collection, clean up, and time management.


Assessment:   Assessment should be described in detail.  Materials used to evaluate individual student performance should be attached. (WHAT WILL GO IN THE GRADEBOOK?)


Standards: Make sure you look up the standards in teaching, content, and assessment.  Those standards that pertain to your lesson are to be listed here. (National and State Standards)


Links outside this lesson: These might include links to other subjects, to home and so on.


Accommodation for Diversity: Special needs, gender, ethnicity, language, socio-economic status, religion plus others. (You will assigned a special needs student)


Teaching Model:  This is the largest and most complete area of the lesson plan.  It includes all procedures in the lesson not previously addressed. Identify the teaching model's name: e.g. Direct teaching, Inquiry based teaching, Problem based teaching . Each step or stage of the model identified should be included. (Traditional, MI, Learning Cycle, Five E’s, Constructivist)


Attachments: Attach an example, sheet music, project, poem, illustration, print out of computer program, etc.